Andy Wiedlin @acwiedlin
Chief Revenue Officer, BuzzFeed
Andy Wiedlin is a respected Internet veteran and responsible for leading BuzzFeed’s revenue growth strategy and audience outreach. Prior to joining BuzzFeed, he was the SVP of Sales at Huffington Post where he pioneered the idea of social news, built a successful sales team, developed a market strategy and defined social marketing products. Andy got his start in the social space in 2008 at MySpace as Vice President of Sales. From 2003 to 2008, Andy worked at Yahoo as Vice President of the Northwest Region. Previously he served as Executive Director at iVillage and Vice President of Sales at WeddingChannel.com. Before diving into online in 1999, Andy spent five years with AT&T International/Bell Labs. He spent 10 years working abroad, primarily in Japan and Australia. Andy has a Master’s Degree in Pacific International Affairs (with a focus on Marketing and Japanese Language) from the University of California, San Diego.